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We create websites on various CMS platforms with on-page search engine optimization with appropriate design and various functionalities:

Website screenshot Yoga-Delight by Karla Stanek

icon Yoga-Delight Yoga-Delight

Köln (Germany)

Karla Stanek offers private yoga classes, personal coaching and workshops & events for companies.

Firstly, the Joomla site was bug-fixed. The performance was then improved and various content enhancements were made with an additional design. The maintenance work also included a static website, the design of which had to be made more mobile-friendly as a first step.

Since: 2022
Language: German, English
Technique: Joomla
handmade + html5, css3, php, javascript
Link: www.yoga-delight.com
Status: maintenance | online
Website Moore Property Services in different screenshots with different media

icon Moore Propert ServicesMoore Property Services

Sedella (Málaga, Spain)

The company offers all property services for your holiday home at the Costa del Sol.

  • Design and implementation
  • Extra SVG graphic design
  • On-page search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Hosting & Maintenance
Since: 2020
Language: English
Performance: fast loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, php, javascript
Link: www.moorepropertyservices.es
Status: completed & maintenance | online
Website case study Hotel Baltic in different screenshots

icon Hotel Bałtyk Hotel Baltic

CASE STUDY of a hotel website with CMS at the sea with spa & wellness area

Since: 2018
Language: Polish
Performance: fast loading
mobile friendly
Technique: Joomla +
Link: Hotel-Site
Website Watercolours of Klaus Hinkel in different screenshots


Frigiliana (Málaga, Spain)

Webpresentation of the professional watercolour painter Klaus Hinkel from the Costa del Sol

Since: 2008
Language: English
Performance: good loading
mobile friendly
Technique: CMS Joomla!
Link: www.watercolours.es
Status: completed | online
Website Nauka Języków in different screenshots with different media

icon Lotus Idiomas Nauka Języków

Jaslo County (Podkarpackie, Poland)

Private language lessons with additional translation service and application assistance.

  • Concept, design and implementation
  • On-page search engine optimization (SEO)
  • with Moodle learning management system   moodle
  • Hosting & Maintenance
Since: 2020
Languages (4): Polish, German, English, Spanish
Performance: fast loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, php, javascript
Link: www.naukajezykow.eu
Status: completed | online
Website of Midland Softwash Birmingham in different screenshots on different media

icon Midlands Softwash Midlands Softwash

Hebburn (Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Cleaning company for professional exterior cleaning of buildings and land

  • Re-design and implementation
  • Extra SVG graphic design
  • On-page search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Hosting & Maintenance
Since: 2019
Language: English
Performance: fast loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, php, javascript
Link: www.midlandsoftwash.com/
Status: completed | online
Website Art-Reflection in different screenshots

icon Art Reflections Art-Reflections

Torre del Mar (Málaga, Spain)

Online Art-Gallery for digital art.

Since: 2008
Language: English
Performance: good loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, php, javascript, rwd
Link: www.art-reflections.net
Status: completed | online
Website Reflections-Online in different screenshots

icon Reflections Online Reflections-Online

Torre del Mar (Málaga, Spain)

Christian spiritual inspiration and help

  • Conception and implementation of a PHP framework
  • Web design classes for costumer for self-maintenance of pages
  • Guestbook and Prayerroom application in 3 languages
  • Special e-Card applikation in 3 languages
  • Hosting & Maintenance
Since: 2007
Languages (3): Spanish, English, German
Performance: fast loading
mobile friendly
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, javascript & php + RSS feed
Link: www.reflections-online.net
Status: completed | online
Website Kum Nye Yoga in different screenshots

icon Kum Nye Yoga Kum Nye Yoga


European website for the Tibetan Yoga Kum Nye of Tibetan master Tarthang Tulku.

Since: 2008
Languages (9): English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Finish, Hungarian , Dutch, Polish, Romanian
Performance: fast loading
Technique: handmade + html5, css3, javascript & php
Link: www.kumnyeyoga.eu
Status: completed | online

A little screenshot of the website of Inventiones

The students have benefited greatly from the very good and competent support in the presentation of my lecture scripts -- and this has been the case for many years. I was also very pleased to receive advice on setting up a learning platform and implementing it promptly.

Dr. Bolik



A little screenshot of the website of Lotus Center

For years now my best customers find me through the website created by ProAspecto Webdesign. Always up to date, good advice, new design ideas and fast implementation.
I love that.


Lotus Center


A little screenshot of the website of Watercolours

Hello to all who are looking for professionals, I highly recommended ProAspecto. Reliable, competent and actually always available and on the spot when you need him. Lutz has been creating my website for many years and has also taught me a lot so that I am able to make changes myself.
Scale 1 to 10, I'll give them a 10.

Klaus Hinkel



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